Call for Papers Flyer Download Links
Track 1 - CFP |
Track 2 - CFP |
Track 3 - CFP |
Track 4 - CFP |
ICIVC 2025 will provide an insight into the unique world stemming from the interaction between the fields of Image, Vision and Computing. ICIVC 2025 will also provide an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia to exchange ideas and present results of on-going research in most state-of-the-art areas of image, vision and computing. This year, special focus will be on the challenging issues related to all the opportunities of image, vision and computing in the era of the integration of Project Management, Ergonomics/Human Factors, and Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis, etc... You are invited to submit a full paper, a proposal for a Panel/Invited Session or a Tutorial.
ICIVC 2025 欢迎并鼓励提交高质量、原创性的论文
The authors are
suggested to use the
Formatting Template to meet formatting
All full paper
submissions will also be peer reviewed and
evaluated based on originality, technical and/or
research content/depth, correctness, relevance
to conference, contributions, and readability.
The full paper submissions will be chosen based
on technical merit, interest, applicability, and
how well they fit a coherent and balanced
technical program. Topics of interest
include, but are not limited to:
Discrete Cosine Transforms 离散余弦变换 Discrete Hilbert Transforms 离散希尔伯特变换 Emotion recognition 情绪识别 Face Recognition 人脸识别 Fast Fourier Transforms 快速傅立叶变换 Wavelet Transforms 小波变换 Filter Design and Structures 过滤器设计与结构 Fingerprint recognition 指纹识别 Gait recognition 步态识别 IIR Filters IIR滤波器 Iris recognition 虹膜识别 Palmprint recognition 掌纹识别 Pattern recognition and analysis 模式识别与分析 Object recognition 物体识别 Object and Scene Recognition 对象和场景识别 Graphics algorithms and applications 图形算法和应用 Biometrics 生物识别 Image feature extraction 图像特征提取 Image segmentation 图像分割 Motion Detection 运动检测 |
Color and texture 颜色和质地 Real-time rendering for VR VR的实时渲染 Rendering methods 渲染方式 Shadows, translucency and visibility 阴影,半透明和可见性 Simulation and virtual reality 仿真与虚拟现实 Software tools for computer graphics 计算机图形学的软件工具 Software tools for virtual reality 虚拟现实的软件工具 Virtual environments 虚拟环境 Virtual Reality and 3-D Imaging 虚拟现实和3D成像 Virtual reality, visualization, and education 虚拟现实,可视化和教育 Visual computing and graphics 视觉计算和图形 Image Formation 图像形成 Image geometry and multi-view geometry 图像几何和多视图几何 Image Scanning, Display, and Printing 图像扫描,显示和打印 Texture, Shape, and Color 纹理,形状和颜色 Restoration, Super Resolution 恢复,超分辨率 Computational geometry 计算几何 Computer animation 电脑动画 Fractal geometry and applications 分形几何及其应用 Illumination and reflection techniques 照明和反射技术 Computational Imaging and Displays 计算成像与显示 |
Content-based Image retrieval 基于内容的图像检索 Data visualization 数据可视化 Gaze tracking 视线追踪 Graphical user interfaces 图形用户界面 Handwriting recognition 手写识别 Head-mounted displays 头戴式显示器 Head-up displays 平视显示器 Visualization 可视化 Watermarking 水印 Machine architectures/engines for graphics and VR 图形和VR的机器架构/引擎 Machine learning technologies for vision 机器视觉技术 Machine learning, Computer Graphics, Biological Vision 机器学习,计算机图形学,生物视觉 Modeling of natural scenes and phenomena 自然场景和现象的建模 Image and Video Matting 图像和视频抠图 Rendering Techniques 渲染技术 Modeling and Animation 建模与动画 Image and Video Retrieval 图像和视频检索 Video analysis and processing 视频分析及处理 |
Medical image processing 医学图像处理 Radar Image Processing 雷达图像处理 Sonar Image Processing 声纳图像处理 Video Signal Processing 视频信号处理 Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 多媒体与人工智能 Multimedia Applications 多媒体应用 Multimedia Interface and Interaction 多媒体界面与互动 Multimedia Systems and Applications 多媒体系统与应用 Multimodal display systems 多模式显示系统 Image acquisition 图像采集 Image coding and compression 图像编码和压缩 Image processing 图像处理 Human computer interaction 人机交互 Image storage and leaks 图像存储与泄密 Image authentication 图像身份验证 Image encryption technology 图像加密技术 |